Dr. Tal Soffer

School of Education
Medical Education
ביה"ס לחינוך סגל אקדמי בכיר
Dr. Tal Soffer
Phone: 03-6407571
Another phone: 03-6406035
Fax: 03-6408461
Office: Sharett - Educational Sciences, 235

Curriculum Vitae

Head of Virtual TAU - the center for Digital Pedagogy


Head of the unit for Technology and Society Foresight



School of Education, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel

Tel: 03-6406035, Fax: 03-6405528,

e-mail: talsofer@post.tau.ac.il



1983-1986       BA, Tel-Aviv University, Department of Sociology & Anthropology.

1988-1992       MA, Tel-Aviv University, Department of Labor Studies

2001-2006       Ph.D., Tel-Aviv University, School of Education          


 Academic and Professional Experience

1987 - 1993

The Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis & Forecasting (ICTAF), at Tel Aviv University


1993 – 2012

The Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis & Forecasting (ICTAF), at Tel Aviv University

Finance & human resources management

1993 – 2012

The Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis & Forecasting (ICTAF), at Tel Aviv University

Senior Researcher


2013 – 2016

The Interdisciplinary Center for Technological Analysis & Forecasting (ICTAF), at Tel Aviv University

Deputy Director

2013 – Present

Tel Aviv University, School of Education

Senior Researcher


2013 – Present

Tel Aviv University, School of Education

Head of the center for Web-Supported Academic Instruction

2013 – Present

Tel Aviv University, School of Education

Head of the unit for Technology and Society Foresight

1998 – 2014

European Commission

Coordinator in projects funded by the EC Framework Programs since the 5th

2015 – Present

European Commission

Evaluator, Horizon 2020

2015 – Present

European Commission

Expert (counselor), DG for Research & Innovation


Tel Aviv University, School of Education

Lecturer in the MA Executive program in education



Participation in National and International Professional Committees

2005 - Present              Member of the Scientific Board, ICCR - The Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences. Vienna, Austria

2005 - Present              Member in the FEMISE, Euro-Mediterranean network. The network of FEMISE is comprised of 80 institutes representing the 37 partners of the Barcelona Process, which have the main objective of performing research on economic and social issues. www.femise.org

2007 – 2012                 Member of the committee for "knowledge for All", UNESCO – The Israel National Commission for UNESCO

2013 - Present              Member of the Academic steering committee of World Ort.

2013 - Present              Member of Meytal Steering Committee (Inter-University committee for Academic Instruction via Advanced Learning Technology).

2014 - Present              Member of the Internet committee of Tel Aviv University.

2014 - Present              Member of the ICT committee in the school of Education, Tel Aviv University

2015 - 2016                  Chairman of the committee for evaluation of research proposals in the area of science education, (appointed by the chief Scientist of the Israeli Ministry of Science, Technology & Space)

2014 - 2016                  Member of the SFRI (Strategic Foresight for R&I Policy in Horizon 2020) Expert Group, European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation 

2015 - Present              Member of the Public Council for the Protection of Privacy (appointed by the Israel Minister of Justice)



 Awarded Grants   (in the last 10 years)  


International Grants                       


2006 - 2008

ELOST - E-Government for Low-Socio Economic Status Groups, FP6 EU project. Coordinator.

European Commission

2008- 2010

SSH-Future – The Future of Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe, FP6 EU project, PI

European Commission

2008 - 2010

NBIC – Knowledge Politics and New Converging Technologies: A social Science Perspective, FP6 EU project, PI.

European Commission


PERFECTION – performance Indicators for Health, Comfort and Safety of the Indore Environment,  PI

European Commission

2010 - 2012

FESTOS – Foresight of Evolving Security Threats Posed by Emerging Technologies. FP7 EU project. Coordinator.

European Commission

2010 - 2013

PRACTIS – Privacy Appraising Challenges to Technologies and Ethics, FP7 EU project. Coordinator.

European Commission

2011 – 2014

SIAM: Security Impact Assessment Measure, PI

European Commission

2012 – 2015

RACE 2050: Responsible innovation Agenda for Competitive European transport industries 2050, PI

European Commission

2014 – 2016

FORCE - Foresight Coordination for Europe, FP7, PI        

European Commission

2016 – 2019

WYRED  - Networked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society, PI

European Commission


2017 - 2020


European Commission


Understanding successful and sustained technology enabled learning across institutional and cultural contexts in higher education

 AFTAM- Research Collaboration Awards


National Grants



Future Opportunities of Middle Triole Pupils in the Labor Market

ACADEMIA foundation


Knowledge Centers



"Long Weekend": Implications on special sectors, social gaps and local authorities                      

The Ministry of Development of the Negev and the Galilee


Perception of Privacy due to emerging technologies

The Israel Internet Association


Challenges and Developments in Israeli Agriculture

Agriculture Ministry


The future of Education – Scenarios for 2030

Kadima Mada, World ORT.


Assessment of Tablets' usage for learning among high school students

Education Center, Ben Gurion in Hefer Valley Regional Municipality

2015- 2017




Cyber Security Technology Foresight



The implications of the GDPR on higher education system in the era of digital education

ICRC, Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center, Tel Aviv University

ICRC, Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center, Tel Aviv University






Research Interests

  • Educational Technologies - educational technologies with specialization on e- learning: academic online courses, MOOCs; e-assessment and implementation of technological innovation in education.
  • Technology Foresight - the impact of emerging technologies on society: specialization in foresight methodologies in fields such as: the future of education, work and leisure, occupations and skills; e-government etc.
  • Privacy and Ethics aspects in light of emerging technologies.


Selected Publications


  1. Research Reports

European and international research reports

  1. Soffer, T. (coordinator), Ahituv, N., Alcaud, D., Crowley, J., Giorgi, L., Hauptman, A., Kunz, J., Liudger-Dienel, H., Pohoryles, R., Raban, Y., Sharan, Y., Wysokinska, Z., (2006– 2008). E-government for LOw Socio-economic sTatus groups (ELOST) EU project FP6. E/178.  www.elost.org.


Comparative study report on policies tools. (2006).188p. E/178b


Review of foresight studies and emerging technologies. (2006). 77p. E/178a


Field Survey on Low Socio-Economic Groups: Research Design: Fieldwork, Questionnaire, Focus Group Design. (2006). 42p. E/178c.


Foresight Study: Review of foresight studies and emerging technologies. (2006). 77p. E/178a.


Social and Cultural Barriers and Incentives for E-Government: Report on Methodologies for Cross-Culture Analysis. (2007). 31p. E/178d.


E-Government for Groups with a Low-Economic Status: Socio-Economic, Demographic   and Cultural Overview. (2007). 85p. E/178e


Field Surveys On Low Socio-Economic Groups: Report on Findings. (2007). 79p. E/178f


Social and culture barriers and incentives for e-Government: Cross-cultural on barriers and incentives for LSGs' use of e-Government. (2007). 98p. E/178g


Final report on implementation and assessment of toolbox. (2008). 25p. E/178i


Foresight Study: Findings from the foresight process and recommendations. (2008), 40p.



Policy recommendations for e-Inclusion of Low Socioeconomic Status Groups (LSG) in e-Government Services, Final report for ELOST: E-Government for Low-Socio Economic Status Groups. EU FP6. 70p. (2008). 70p. E/178j.


  1. Soffer, T., Hauptman, A. (2008). Methodology of the Foresight Exercise, Social Sciences and Humanities Futures. D10 report for SSH-Futures: Social Sciences and Humanities for Europe, Citizen and Governance in a Knowledge-Based Society, EU FP6. 49p.
  2. Soffer, T., Sharan, Y. (2008). “Knowledge NBIC” – Country report: The Israeli case. Knowledge NBIC: Knowledge politics and New Converging Technologies – A Social Science Perspective, EU FP6. 15p.
  3. Soffer, T., Nicholas, J. (2009). “What Futures?”: Findings from the foresight process. D11 report for SSH-Futures: Social Sciences and Humanities for Europe, Citizen and Governance in a Knowledge-Based Society, EU FP6. 206p.
  4. Rokicka, E., Soffer, T. (2011). "Control and Prevention": Final Report on Knowledge control. D5.2 report for FESTOS: Foresight of Evolving Security Threats Posed by Emerging Technologies, EU FP7. 79p.
  5. Soffer, T. (coordinator), Ahituv, N., Aufferman, B., Bach, N., Birnhack, M., Giorgi, L., Hauptman, A., Liudger Dienel, H., Lobet-Maris, C., Pohoryles, R., Raban, Y., Rouvroy, A., Wysokinska, Z. (2010-2013). Privacy Appraising Challenges to Technologies and Ethics, PRACTIS. EU FP7. www.practis.org


Horizon scanning: Report on technologies with potential privacy impacts. (2011). 91p.


Final Horizon Scanning Report. (2011). 124p.


Perception of Privacy: Best practice ethical model. (2010). 17p.


Literature Overview on Changing Privacy Perceptions. (2010). 55p.


Report on Changing Perceptions of Privacy and the Changing Role of the State. (2011). 130p.


Future Scenarios of Privacy: Scenario Descriptions. (2011). 68p.


Report on potential changes in privacy climates and their impacts on ethical approaches. (2012). 90p.


Future Ethical, Legal and Social Frameworks for the Privacy/ Technology Interface: Overview on Ethical and Legal Issues. (2011). 44p.


Final report on future ethical, legal and social frameworks for the privacy/technology interface. (2012). 157p.


Privacy-Oriented Technology Assessment: Privacy by Design. (2012). 43p.


Future implications for government, other stakeholders and individuals: Analysis of the Legal Implications of Emerging & Future Technologies. (2012). 49p.


Privacy implications of emerging technologies for stakeholders: Research summary and policy recommendations. (2013). 139p.


Privacy – Appraising Challenges to Technologies and Ethics: Final report: Summary of Main Results. (2014). 39p.

  1.  Raban, Y., Soffer, T., Hauptman, A. (2015). Review and mapping of methodologies for effective evaluation of future security risks to society. D3.1 report for FORCE: Foresight Coordination for Europe. EU FP7. 41p.
  2. Raban, Y., Soffer, T. (2015). Final Synthesis Report on Security Oriented Foresight Mapping of Outputs and Methods. D3.4 report for FORCE: Foresight Coordination for Europe. EU FP7. 76p.
  3. Soffer, T., Gibory. U., Back. S., Wolf, I. (2016). Future Scenarios in Education – A projection for education renewal. Soffer, T. (Ed.). World ORT. 107p.
  4. Strategic Foresight for R&I Policy in Horizon 2020, report of the Expert Group. (2017). European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Directorate A, Policy Development and Coordination. Unit A3 — Horizon 2020 Policy. 106p.
  5. Hauptman, A., Soffer, T., (2017). Networked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society - WYRED Delphi Study. EU Horizon 2020. 70p.
  6. Hauptman, A., Kearney, N., Raban, Y., Soffer T., (2018). Networked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society – WYRED second Delphi Study. EU Horizon 2020. 42p.
  7. Soffer, T., et al. (2018). Monitoring and Assessment Plan and tools for Responsible and Research Innovation (RRI). D5.1 report for HubIT project: The HUB for boosting the Responsibility and inclusiveness of ICT enabled Research and Innovation through constructive interactions with SSH research. EU Horizon 2020. 63p.


National research reports

  1. Soffer, T., Vaturi, A., Sharan, Y. (2006). Future Opportunities of Middle Triole Pupils in the Labor Market. ACADEMIA foundation. 100p., H/318.
  2. Soffer, T., Kaz, O., Vaturi, A. (2012). Long Weekend: Implications on special sectors, social gaps and local authorities. Ministry for Development of the Negev and the Galilee. 52p., H/361,
  3. Soffer, T., Kahan, T., Livne, E. (2014). Assessment of Tablets' usage for learning among high school students: Students Survey Results. Education Center, Ben Gurion in Hefer Valley Regional Municipality. 22p.
  4. Raban, Y., Soffer, T. (2014). Privacy Perception among Israeli Citizens. The Israel Internet Association. 74p.
  5. Soffer, T., Hauptman, A., Leviatan, N. (2015). Challenges and Technology Developments in Israel’s Agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture. 70p. 
  6. Soffer, T., Peleg, S. Yaron, E. (2015). Assessment of Tablets' usage for learning among high school students. Education Center, Ben Gurion in Hefer Valley Regional Municipality. 47p.


  1. Soffer, T., Nachmias, R., & Ram, J. (2010) Diffusion of Web Supported Learning in Higher Education- The TAU Case. Educational Technology and Society 13(3), 212-223.

ISSN: 1436-4522, SJR-A1.

  1. Soffer, T., Cohen, A. (2015) Implementation of Tel Aviv University MOOCs in Academic Curriculum. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning 16 (1), 80-97.  ISSN:14923831
  2. Soffer, T., Cohen, A. (2015) Privacy Perception of Adolescents in a Digital World. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 34 (5-6), 145-158.  ISSN: 02704676. Published in Association with National Association for Science, Technology & Society.
  3. Cohen, A., Soffer, T. (2015) Academic Instruction in a Digital World: The Virtual TAU Case. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Journal. 177, 9–16. ISSN: 1877-0428
  4. Soffer, T., Kahan, T., & Livne, E. (2017). E-assessment of online academic courses via students' activities and perceptions. Studies in Educational Evaluation54, 83-93.
  5. Soffer, T., & Yaron, E. (2017). Perceived Learning and Students’ Perceptions Toward Using Tablets for Learning: The Mediating Role of Perceived Engagement Among High School Students. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 0735633117689892.
  6. Kahan, T., Soffer, T., & Nachmias, R. (2017). Types of Participant Behavior in a Massive Open Online Course. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(6). ISSN:14923831
  7. Soffer, T., & Nachmias, R. (2018). Effectiveness of learning in online academic courses compared with face‐to‐face courses in higher education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. ISSN:1365-2729
  8. Cohen, A., Shimony, U., Nachmias, R., & Soffer, T. (2018). Active learners' characterization in MOOC forums and their generated knowledge. British Journal of Educational Technology. ISSN:1467-8535
  9. Soffer, T., & Cohen, A. (2019). Students' engagement characteristics predict success and completion of online courses. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12340
  10. Soffer, T., Kahan, T., & Nachmias, R. (in press) Patterns of Students' Utilization of Flexibility in Fully Online Academic Courses and Their Relation to Course Achievement. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning.



  1. Soffer, T., Govari, S., & Nachmias, R. Video Usage in Online Academic Learning: Is video still king? The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning.
  2. Cohen, A., Soffer, T. Assessment of Online Course via Student Activities, Achievements, and Attitudes. International Journal of Educational Research.


  1. Chapters in Books
  1. Soffer, T., Raban, Y. (2007). Gender and ICTs, in Information and Communications Technologies in Society, E-living in a digital Europe, Routledge publication,
  2. Hauptman, A., Sharan, Y., Soffer, T. (2011). Privacy Perception in the ICT era and beyond, “Towards Responsible Research and Innovation in the Information and Communication Technologies Fields”, Von Shomberg. R. (ed.), European Commission, ISBN:, 978-92-79-20404-3  http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~bstahl/index_html_files/2011.3647_mep.pdf
  3. Back, S., Soffer, T., Kupermintz, H., Wolf, A., Gibory, U. (2017). New trends in education technology, skills and pedagogy for the 21st century. World Ort, Kadima Mada, 125p. http://www.wokm.org//files/megamot_hadoshot_version3.pdf


  1. Conference Publications

Publications in English

  1. Soffer, T. (2010). "What Future" – Finding form the foresight study on Social Sciences & Humanities. Paper for the SSH-FUTURES EU project, final conference, Brussels, Belgium.
  2. Soffer, T. (2011). Attitudes towards Control of Sensitive Knowledge. Paper for the FESTOS EU project final conference, Brussels, Belgium.
  3. Soffer, T. (2013). Privacy Challenges Facing Future and Emerging Technologies. Paper for the 6th International Workshop on Privacy and anonymity in the Information Society (PAIS). Genova, Italy.
  4. Soffer, T. (2013) Privacy Challenges Facing Future and Emerging Technologies. Paper for the CPDP conference for Computer, Privacy & Data Protection in Brussels, Belgium.
  5. Cohen, A., Sofer, T. (2013). Academic Instruction in Digital World: The Virtual TAU Case. Paper for the 4th World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership. Barcelona, Spain.
  6. Ahituv, N., Bach, N., Birnhack, M., Soffer, T., & Luoto, L. (2014). New challenges to privacy due to emerging technologies and different privacy perceptions of younger generations: The EU PRACTIS project. Proceedings of Informing Science & IT Education Conference (InSITE) 2014 (pp. 1-23). Retrieved from http://Proceedings.InformingScience.org/InSITE2014/InSITE14p001-023Ahituv0529.pdf
  7. Soffer, T., & Cohen, A. (2015). Implementation of MOOCs as Part of the Academic Curriculum at Tel Aviv University. Paper for the Global Learn 2015, Global Conference on Learning and Technology, FernUniversität in Hagen, Berlin.
  8. Soffer, T. (2015). The future of Education – Between “Segmented Education” to “Education for All” scenarios for 2030. Paper for the World ORT Educators’ Forum in London.
  9. Kahan, T., Soffer, T., & Nachmias, R. (2015). Types of Participants’ Behaviors in a Massive Open Online Course. Paper for the EDEN 2015 Annual Conference - Expanding Learning Scenarios, Barcelona, Spain.
  10. Shimony, U. Cohen, A., Nachmias, R., & Soffer, T. (2015). The Online Learners in MOOC Social Environments. Paper for the EDEN 2015 Annual Conference - Expanding Learning Scenarios, Barcelona, Spain.
  11. Soffer, T., Kahan, T., & Nachmias, R. (2016). Students' Utilization of Flexibility of Time and Place in a Fully Online Academic Course. Paper for the International conference on The Future of Education, 6th edition, Florence, Italy.  
  12. Soffer, T., Cohen, A., (2017). What Makes The Difference? Course Completers And Non-Completers. Paper for the International Conference on Education, New York, USA. https://www.cluteinstitute.com/conference-proceedings/ny17proceedings.pdf
  13. Soffer, T., Nedozhogina, O., Zuzovskey, R., Emanuele, B., (2018). Assessing the Impact of SSH–RRI approach on ICT Research & Innovation: The HubIT project. Paper for the International Conference on Pathways for Impact from SSH Research, Vienna, Austria. https://www.ssh-impact.eu/about/


Publications in Hebrew

  1. Soffer, T. (2011). Privacy perception among adolescents in the era of emerging technologies. Paper for The 9th Annual conference of Meital. Tel Aviv University, Israel.
  2. Soffer, T., Cohen, A., & Nachmias, R. (2013). Technological innovation in academic instruction - directions and thoughts: Tel Aviv University, case study. Paper for the 11th Annual MEITAL National Conference, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
  3. Soffer, T. Cohen, A, & Nachmias, R. (2014). Developing and implementation process of MOOCs as part of the academic degree in Tel Aviv University.  Paper for The 12th Annual MEITAL National Conference "New Technologies and Their Evaluation in Online Teaching and Learning", The Levinsky College of Education, Israel. 
  4. Cohen, A., & Soffer, T. (2014). Evaluation of students’ activity in fully online academic course. Paper for The 12th Annual MEITAL National Conference "New Technologies and Their Evaluation in Online Teaching and Learning", The Levinsky College of Education, Israel.
  5. Kahan, T., Soffer, T., & Nachmias, R. (2014). Students’ usage of learning resources in MOOC: a comparison between certificate and non-certificate earners. Paper for The 12th Annual MEITAL National Conference "New Technologies and Their Evaluation in Online Teaching and Learning", The Levinsky College of Education, Israel.
  6. Livne, E., Soffer, T., & Nachmias, R. (2014). Development of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) at Tel Aviv University. Paper for The 12th Annual MEITAL National Conference "New Technologies and Their Evaluation in Online Teaching and Learning", The Levinsky College of Education, Israel.
  7. Soffer, T., Cohen, A., & Nachmias, R. (2013). Technological innovation in academic instruction - directions and thoughts: Tel Aviv University, case study. Paper for the 11th Annual MEITAL National Conference, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
  8. Soffer, T. Cohen, A, & Nachmias, R. (2014). Developing and implementation process of MOOCs as part of the academic degree in Tel Aviv University.  Paper for The 12th Annual MEITAL National Conference "New Technologies and Their Evaluation in Online Teaching and Learning", The Levinsky College of Education, Israel. 
  9. Cohen, A., & Soffer, T. (2014). Evaluation of students’ activity in fully online academic course. Paper for The 12th Annual MEITAL National Conference "New Technologies and Their Evaluation in Online Teaching and Learning", The Levinsky College of Education, Israel.
  10. Kahan, T., Soffer, T., & Nachmias, R. (2014). Students’ usage of learning resources in MOOC: a comparison between certificate and non-certificate earners. Paper for The 12th Annual MEITAL National Conference "New Technologies and Their Evaluation in Online Teaching and Learning", The Levinsky College of Education, Israel.
  11. Livne, E., Soffer, T., & Nachmias, R. (2014). Development of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) at Tel Aviv University. Paper for The 12th Annual MEITAL National Conference "New Technologies and Their Evaluation in Online Teaching and Learning", The Levinsky College of Education, Israel.
  12. Livne, E., Soffer, T., & Nachmias, R. (2014). Development of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) at Tel Aviv University. Paper for The 12th Annual MEITAL National Conference "New Technologies and Their Evaluation in Online Teaching and Learning", The Levinsky College of Education, Israel
  13. Kahan, T., Soffer, T., & Nachmias, R. (2015). Studying the Characteristics of Video Usage by Learners in MOOC. Paper for The Chais 10th annual conference in Israel (2015).
  14. Livne, E., Soffer, T., & Nachmias, R. (2015). Pedagogical Considerations of Instructors Who Teach MOOCs at Tel Aviv University. Poster for the 10th Chais Annual Conference, Open University, Israel.
  15. Shimony, U., Cohen, A., Nachmias, R., Soffer, T. (2015). The online learner in MOOC social channels. Paper for The 13th Annual MEITAL National Conference "New Technologies and Their Evaluation in Online Teaching and Learning, Technion–Israel Institute of Technology campus, Israel.
  16. Kahan, T., Soffer, T., & Nachmias, R. (2016). Characterizing types of learners in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Paper for The Chais 11th annual conference in Israel.
  17. Kahan, T., Soffer, T., & Nachmias, R. (2017). Students' Utilization of Flexibility of Time, Place and Contents in a Fully Online Academic Course. Poster for The Chais 12th annual conference in Israel.


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