Words from the Head of the School

updated: 17.11.2022

Words from the head of the school


Education is the most significant tool for changing individual and social life. It is a process that occurs throughout life in different spaces and contexts, such as the family and formal educational frameworks, workplaces, community life and media in all its diversity. Through education the person acquires knowledge, skills and values and develops personality, attitude and identity. Education is also of crucial importance in the process of creating a tolerant, egalitarian, just and democratic society.


Knowledge of these educational processes and skills for intervention in them are resources necessary for success in workplaces. Our mission at the School of Education is to produce, learn and teach strategies, practices and tools for addressing educational issues and to prepare professionals, policymakers and researchers who can develop and create educational opportunities that are just and fair.


The School of Education in Tel-Aviv University has a longstanding reputation as a center of excellence in teaching and research in a wide range of fields of practice and educational policy. Innovative and holistic teaching, interdisciplinary research, community involvement and social justice-These are the lenses through which we see every aspect of education. These values that we apply every day influence the ways in which we teach our students, do our research, serve our communities and work towards a more equitable and just global future. Our teaching combines basic knowledge, pioneering research and practical involvement. Our leading research promotes policies and practices and partnerships that foster diversified, efficient and just educational communities. We partner with local, national and global communities and leverage our evidence-based research expertise to inform public policy and to enrich public debate and contribute to social change. We recruit and support a high-quality, active and vibrant student community that reflects the many dimensions and layers that reflect the Israeli society.


The faculty of the School of Education includes world-leading researchers in their fields of expertise. They work hard to understand important issues and find answers to questions related to learning processes in various fields of knowledge and in understanding the essential conditions for optimal development. The school's researchers and students are also active in important social projects in Israel and international society.


Researchers and administrative staff are committed to the students and their needs and encourage creativity, entrepreneurship and engagement.


If you want to be partners in creating and designing the face of the society, come and study in our study programs that include a bachelor's, master's degree and a teaching certificate. Within these you can acquire knowledge and skills that will allow you to become leaders and significant partners in educational systems, and in public and business frameworks where ongoing learning and development processes take place. Relevant occupational frameworks for graduates of the School of Education include: Education administrations, municipalities and local councils, youth culture and Sports center and child development centers, Social organizations engaged in the design and development of curricula and training programs, technology companies engaged in the development of learning and Gaming Software, etc.


Of course, graduates of the School of Education can work as teachers, consultants and principals in schools and in various educational systems. Graduates of the School of Education hold key positions in the Ministry of Education, and in institutes and research centers, public institutions, organizations, associations, etc.


I invite you to join us to an engaged, enabling, creative and learning community.

I wish you good luck!


Prof. Fadia Nasser-Abu-Alhija.

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