Consulting & Training

updated: 17.11.2022

Consulting & Training



The School of Education offers counseling and training services for candidates and students, in all programs at all stages of training.


The purpose of the service is to support and guide candidates and students at the stage of planning and choosing the course of study and integrating it into their way of life and the transition to the labor market.


The service is accompanied by support and emotional assistance at various stages of life, both individually and as a group (in workshops).


Selecting and planning of a study track- Dealing with questions related to the differences between the different curricula of the different programs and the employment opportunities they provide later on, including academic and research development.


Learning habits and the integration of life roles- Dealing with questions related to learning habits adapted to higher education studies, to time management and organization skills and to the skills of combining the different life roles such as studying and working, Relationships / family and leisure and coping with stress and burdens.


The transition to the labor market- dealing with questions related to employment opportunities towards graduation, to self-investigation and environmental inquiry in relation to these possibilities and preparing for optimal integration into the labor market by, for example, practicing resume preparation and job interviews.


How the service is provided:

Individual consultation - by appointment


Peak days and seminars


The service is provided by a team that includes interns in educational counseling and under the guidance of Dr. Dikla Braun, an experienced educational consultant who specializes in career development processes.


On any subject and with any question, you can write to the email

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