School Council

The school council includes members of school staff who’s job scope is at list 50% and their rank is at list senior lecturer, as well as departments and programs heads. The council .discusses and approves the academic programs and the development plans


Prof. Fadia Nasser-Abu Alhija - Head

Mrs. Hagit Barak- Administrative Director

Miss Hadar Zafrir- Management Coordinator


Prof. Audrey Addi-Raccah

Prof. Izhar Oplatka

Prof. Michal Al-yagon

Prof. Dorit Aram

Dr. Reuven Babai

Prof. Youval Jobani

Dr. David Ginat

Dr. Dror Dotan

Dr. Ella Daniel

Dr. Meital Horkin-Nasie

Dr. Arnon Hershkovich

Prof. Anat Zaidman-Zait

Prof. Michal Tabach

Prof. Michal Tannenbaum

Dr. Ricardo Tarrasch

Prof. Miri Yemini

Dr. Peleg Dor Haim







Dr. Idit Adler

Dr. Esther Leveson

Prof. Ilya Levin

Dr. Uri Cohen

Dr. Anat Cohen

Dr. Orly Lahav

Dr. Dan Mamlok

Dr. Eran Melkman

Dr. Muzna Bishara

Dr. Hadar Netz

Dr. Tal Soffer

Dr. Ben-Zion Slakmon

Dr. Yehuda Yacobson

Prof. Naama Friedmann

Prof. Lilach Shalev

Dr. Eran Tamir





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