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Nasie, M., Ben Yaakov, O., Nassir, Y., & Diesendruck, G. (2022). Children’s biased preference for information about in- and out-groups. Developmental Psychology, 58(3), 493-509.
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Nasie, M., & Stanescu, S. (2024). Children’s perceptions of intergroup similarity and dissimilarity and their association with attitudes towards a conflict out-group. Cognitive Development, 72, 101499.
Ben-Ezer, I., Rosler, N., Sharvit, K., Wiener-Blotner, O., Bar-Tal, D., Nasie, M., & Hameiri, B. (2024). From acceptance to change: The role of acceptance in the effectiveness of the Informative Process Model for conflict resolution. British Journal of Social Psychology.
Nasie, M. (2025). Evidence-based educational interventions to reduce intergroup bias among young children in conflict zones. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 70(1), 40-51.