Hoppe Merja
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Hoppe Merja Tel.: +41 58 934 70 92 | Fax: +41 58 935 70 92 | E-mail: merja.hoppe@zhaw.ch | |
The author has a PhD in Geography with focus of the thesis on regional economy and globalization, working also on competitiveness of European cities in an EU-Project during the doctorate. From 2006 to 2010 she worked as a Senior Economist at Credit Suisse in the financial sector on regional economics and transition in Switzerland. The research was mainly focused on interconnections between the quality of location, economy and population development – also providing policy advice for Swiss authorities. Since 2010 the author works as a Senior Scientist at Zurich University of Applied Sciences, establishing the research field of sustainable mobility at the Institute of Sustainable Development. The work includes issues of regional development linked to accessibility, transportation and mobility behaviour with a future focus – mainly in international research projects financed by the European Union.
Fields of activity: research and consulting in
- Sustainable mobility, transportation systems and technology
- Regional economic competitiveness and development
- Context analysis and future research
Current Projects, funded by the 7th Research Framework Program of the EU
OPTIMISM Optimising Passenger Transport Information to Materialize Insights for Sustainable Mobility
RACE2050 Responsible innovation Agenda for Competitive European transport industries up to 2050
METPEX A MEasurement Tool to determine the quality of the Passenger Experience
METRIC Mapping European Transport regional Research and Innovation Capacities
RECREATE REsearch on a CRuiser Enabled Air Transport Environment
Hoppe, M.; Delle Site, P.; Salucci, M.V.; Hepting, M.; Arsenio, E.; Kompil, M.; Anoyrkati, E.: “Research scheme for transport system and mobility behaviour”. OPTIMISM Deliverable 3.1. CUE, Coventry. 2012.
Hoppe, M.; Christ, A.; Seppänen, T.; Dobreva, A.; Mang, S.; Vogler, T.: “Mobility Lake – Nachhaltige Mobilität für Tourismus und Freizeit am Bodensee.” Online-publication, Winterthur. 2012. http://www.ine.zhaw.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/engineering/_Institute_und_Zentren/INE/F_E/MobilityLake_Projektbericht_final.pdf
Hoppe, M.: „ Wirtschaftliche Erneuerungsgebiete: Aktualisierung der Indikatoren für die regionale Abgrenzung 2010.“ Edited by Credit Suisse Economic Research. Zurich. 2010. www.admin.ch/ch/d/gg/pc/documents/1456/Bericht_2.pdf
Hoppe, M.; Holdener, V. and Vontobel, N.: „Kanton Aargau Verkehrsinfrastruktur und ihre Auswirkungen.“ Swiss Issues Regionen, edited by Credit Suisse Economic Research. Zurich. 2009. https://www.credit-suisse.com/news/doc/media_releases/verkehr_pr.pdf
Hoppe, M.: “The importance of economic globalization in the development of agglomeration - the case of Frankfurt/Main.” Marburg. 2006. http://archiv.ub.uni-marburg.de/diss/z2006/0297/
Several studies on Swiss regional economy structure and development, edited by Credit Suisse Economic Research, Zurich. 2006-2010.