Hans-Liudger DIENEL

Professor at Berlin University of Technology for Technology and Society

Director of Department for Work and Technology.

Board member of the Center for Technology and Society

Director of the nexus Institute for Cooperation Management, Berlin

Tel: +49/30/314-21406 | Fax: +49/30/314-21120 | E-mail: hans-liudger.dienel@.tu-berlin.de
Homepages: www.ibba.tu-berlin.dewww.nexusinstitut.dewww.partizipative-methoden.de


Dr.-phil., University of Munich, 1993
Dipl.-Ing., Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Munich 1990
MA, University of Munich, 1988


7/2013: Professor for Work Studies, Technology and Society, TU Berlin

3/1998–7/1998: Guest Professor, Center for Technology and Society, Technical University Vienna;
12/1995– today: Director, Center of Technology and Society, Berlin University of Technology;        1/1993–11/1995: Senior Research Fellow, Deutsches Museum, Research Institute;

8/1989–12/1992: Research Fellow, Technical University of Munich, Smithsonian Institution, Washington.


Ronald Pohoryles/Hans-Liudger Dienel: INNOCULT revisited. The Impact of EU Research Programmes on the Europeanization of Research, National Science and Research Policies and Institutional Innovation. In: Dorothea Jansen (Hg.): Towards a European Research Area. Proceedings of a Research Conference at the Germany Research Institute for Public Administration Speyer. Baden-Baden: Nomos 2012, 147-165 (Interdisziplinäre Studien zur Wissenschaftsforschung, Bd. 13).

Hans-Liudger Dienel: Bürgerbeteiligung. In: Thomas Olk/Birger Hartnuß (Hg.): Handbuch Bürgerschaftliches Engagement. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz Juventa 2011, 203-215.

Hans-Liudger Dienel: Public Participation Procedures in German Innovation Policy. An Overview. In: OECD General Secretary (Hg.): Forstering innovation to adress social challenges. Workshop Proceedings. Paris: OECD 2011, 75-93.

Hans-Liudger Dienel: Les jurys citoyens : pourquoi sont-ils encore si rarement utilisés ?In: Marie-Hélène Bacqué/Yves Sintomer (Hg.): La démocratie participative inachevée. Genèse, adaptations et diffusions. Paris: Adels 2010, 101-115.

Hans-Liudger Dienel: Citizens’ Juries and Planning Cells: Deliberative Democratic Processes for Consultation and Conflictual Problems. In: Ping Liu/Rudolf Traub-Merz (Hg.): Public Participation in Local Decision-Making: China and Germany. Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press, 2009, 159-180.

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